Visual Computing

Graphics Choices from the Leader in Visual Computing

Both technical and creative professionals will appreciate the high-resolution 8-bit (virtual 24-bit) Indy graphics subsystem. These subsystems provide tremendous imaging, 2D, and 3D performance.

Indy works with amazing speed: up to 1.6 million X11 lines per second and 51 million pixels per second--all with 1280 x 1024 screen resolution and up to 76Hz refresh rate. With Indy XL graphics you can manipulate images at up to 1.6M 2D and 800K 3D vectors per second. Indy achieves higher performance with line and triangle drawings than any other comparably priced system.

For those who need even greater 3D performance, there's the Indy XZ which dedicates 180Mflops of power to 3D work. Indy XZ brings interactive 3D performance to your desk without destroying your budget.

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Industry-Leading Power

Indy graphics draws 1.6 million X-lines/sec and fills 51Mpixels/sec, providing unsurpassed performance for demanding imaging and line drawing applications.

Enhanced Performance

Anti-aliasing through area-sampling, 256 sub-pixel positions, and endpoint filtering enhance performance for wireframe applications such as mechanical CAD and molecular modeling.


The Raster Engine (REX3) ASIC converts geometric data processed by the CPU into pixel and line data in the frame buffer. The REX3 supports peak fill rates of 437M pixels/sec for block fills and 62 Mpixels/sec for shaded spans.

For more information, see the Indy Graphics Data Sheet. A Table of Contents view of this product information is also available.