
Graphics Options to Fit Your Needs
The Indy(tm) workstation from Silicon Graphics(r) delivers the most advanced
visual computing technology directly to your desktop. Indy offers a variety
of graphics options to users ranging from MCAD designers and graphic artists
to scientists and medical professionals. Indy XZ provides hardware-accelerated
3D performance for power graphics users, while Indy XL subsystems are optimized
for running CPU-based graphics at blazing speed.
Outstanding Performance
Experience incredible application performance with 3D and 2D graphics. The
power of Indy is based on a high bandwidth 64-bit system architecture featuring
the newest and fastest processors in the MIPS(r) RISC R4000(r) CPU technology
family, a 267MB/sec system bus, and 400MB/sec memory bus.
Indy XZ - Accelerated 3D with an Attitude
The Indy XZ graphics subsystem uses Silicon Graphics Geometry Engine(r)
graphics accelerators to manipulate large 3D models and images. With 128
Mflops of dedicated graphics compute performance fed by a high throughput
system bus, your 3D graphics and imaging applications will run with amazing
speed. Indy XZ is a full 24-bit color system with a 24-bit Z buffer. This
subsystem is ideal for those who require affordable access to accelerated 3D.
Indy 24-Bit XL - True Color with Advanced Imaging
The Indy 24-bit XL graphics subsystem incorporates preeminent graphics
technology, moving up to 51M pixels/sec and drawing up to 1.6M X lines/sec.
It supports advanced features like alpha blending, texture mapping, and
anti-aliased RGB lines and points. The Indy 24-bit XL subsystem provides
high-speed true color image and graphics manipulation at an affordable price
for publishing, compositing, and paint applications, making it perfect for
the graphic arts, medical, and film and video markets.
Indy 8-Bit XL - 3D CAD and General Computing
The Indy 8-bit XL graphics subsystem supports Virtual 24(TM) color
(8-bit dithered) and up to 1.6M X11 line performance. Delivering up to
800K 3D vectors/sec and 64K Tmesh/sec, Indy 8-bit XL is ideal for enterprise
3D CAD systems as well as for general scientific computing.
For the 24-bit graphics XL and 8-bit XL subsystems, Indy uses the CPU and
system memory for 3D geometry capabilities and Z-buffering to deliver
unmatched features and functionality without increasing system price.
Flexible and Expandable
Multiple CPU and graphics modules are available to choose from, and memory
and disk are upgradable. You can invest in the technology you need today and
still retain future upgrade paths.
Plays in Many Fields
Over 1,800 applications that are binary compatible with Silicon Graphics
systems, and a rich feature set, make Indy ideal for many markets:
- Color Publishing
- Case
- Film and Video
- Media Authoring
For more information about Indy Graphics Systems, see
Indy Technical Specifications.