IRIS Performer 1.2 Technical Information
Silicon Graphics Computer Systems

"The Performer"
Read the IRIS Performer 1.2 Release Notes
View a complete listing of the IRIS
Performer 1.2 API

Technical Overview of IRIS Performer 1.2
IRIS Performer is an extensible software environment for
developing high-performance real-time graphics applications.
Written using IrisGL, it is compatible with all SGI graphics
platforms and can extract maximum performance from each of
them. IRIS Performer provides the efficient low-level tools
needed by developers of advanced visual simulation, training,
entertainment, virtual reality, and advanced design
If you are have already installed IRIS Performer, the best way
to start learning about it is to go for a test drive. All that
you need to do is type:
/usr/src/Performer/bin/perfly esprit.flt
Type "man pfuXformer" for details on how to drive, fly, or
tumble, and rerun Perfly with the command line option "-help"
for a full list of features, and type "?" while running Perfly
for a list of keyboard command sequences.
Now that you've seen IRIS Performer in action, you will want to
learn more about how it works. Even though the IRIS Performer
Programming Guide and the IRIS Performer Release Notes are the
primary sources of information, the following overview will give
you a head start in your learning process.
IRIS Performer consists of two main libraries, libpf and libpr,
and two utility libraries, libpfutil and libpfsgi. In addition
to these SGI-developed tools, this release of IRIS Performer
also includes sample code, databases, games, and movies
contributed by the Friends of Performer: companies and
individuals with services of general interest to the IRIS
Performer community.
Libpr is a low level library that provides high speed rendering
functions (pfGeoSets), efficient graphics state control,
(pfGeoStates), and other application-neutral functions. Libpf
is a real-time visual simulation environment that extends libpr
to create a high-performance multiprocessing database rendering
system that takes best advantage of IRIS symmetric
multiprocessing CPU hardware.
Libpr consists of many facilities generally required for
real-time and other performance-oriented graphics
- High-speed rendering functions using the innovative pfGeoSet.
- Efficient graphics state management and mode control based on the pfGeoState.
- Display lists suitable for rendering between multiple processes.
- An extensive collection of fast linear algebra and math routines
- Intersection computation and detection services.
- A color table mechanism for rapid switching of database appearance.
- Asynchronous file I/O system for real-time file operations.
- Memory allocation oriented to shared memory and mutual exclusion.
- High speed clock functions that hide the complexities of hardware clocks.
libpf is a much higher level library built on top of libpr that
is architected and implemented to solve the specific needs of
real-time graphics development. Applications developed with
libpf are able to provide smooth motion through elaborate scenes
at programmable frame rates, all with very little code
development. libpf provides:
- Hierarchical scene graph processing and operators.
- Transparent multiprocessing for parallel simulation, culling and drawing.
- Graphics load measurement and frame rate management.
- Level of detail selection with smooth fade and rotational invariance.
- Rapid culling to the viewing frustum through hierarchic bounding
- Multiprocessed Intersection detection and reporting.
- Dynamic coordinate systems for highly interactive graphics.
- Multibuffering of changes to the scene graph for simple multiprocessing.
Description of libpr
A GeoSet is a collection of drawable geometry
which groups same-type graphics primitives (e.g. triangles or
quads) into one data object. The GeoSet contains no geometry
itself, only pointers to data arrays and index arrays. Geometry
arrays may be indexed or non-indexed (i.e. stored in order)
depending upon application requirements. Because all the
primitives in a GeoSet are of the same type and have the same
attributes, rendering of most database is performed at maximum
hardware speed. There are many GeoSet rendering routines, one
for each combination of geometry and attribute specification.
All GeoSet rendering is performed by a single (very busy)
routine, pfDrawGSet().
GeoStates provide a graphics state definitions
(e.g. texture or material) for GeoSets. When used in
conjunction with Performer state management functions, GeoSets
can be rendered in a prescribed way without concern to the
inherited mode of the machine. GeoSets may share GeoStates and
not all machine modes are supported.
State Management and Mode Control
Performer provides
functions that are "wrappers" around GL state control functions,
such as, lighting, materials, texture, transparency, etc.. They
have two purposes, to track state, and to allow the creation of
display lists, that can be rendered later. The application
program can affect state in three ways: globally, locally
(GeoState), and directly. State changes made using GL directly
are not "known" to Performer state tracking mechanisms, and thus
defeat Performer state management. However, functions exist to
push state, pop state, and get the current state so intermixing
GL and Performer programs can be accomplished.
Display Lists
Performer supports display lists. These
are not GL objects, but rather a simply token / data mechanism
that does not cache geometry data. These display lists use only
Performer state and rendering commands. They also support
function callbacks to allow application programs to perform any
required special processing during display list rendering.
Math Support
An Extensive set of point, segment,
vector, plane, matrix, cylinder, sphere and frustum functions
are provided.
Functions are provided to perform
intersections of segments with cylinders, spheres, boxes,
planes, and geometry. Intersection functions for spheres,
cylinders, and frustums are also provided.
IRIS Performer supports color tables, where
GeoSet color indexes may refer to common tables of color
information. Color tables are global and may be of any size.
There may be any number of color tables existing at one time,
however, only one active at a time. The active color table may
be switched in real-blocking file access
method is provided to allow applications to retrieve file data
during real-time operation.
Memory Allocation
Performer includes routines to
allocate memory from users heap, shared arena memory, or
datapool memory. Shared arenas must be used when multiple
process need to share data. The arena must be created by the
application. Datapools allow the application to create a shared
arena visible to any process. These datapools also support
record locking on a per "chunk" basis.
High Speed Clock
Performer includes a high speed clock
access routine that reports the time in double precision
floating point seconds from the time it was initialized. The
resolution of this clock depends on machine and
Performer can maintain statistics on the geometry
that it draw, state changes and transformations, and internal
operations. These statistics can used for tuning your
application, as well as your own load management.
Description of libpf
libpf provides a pipelined multiprocessing model for implementing visual
simulation applications. The simulation, visibility culling and drawing
can all run in separate processes. The simulation process updates the
scene, the cull process traverses the scene checking for visibility and
generates display lists which are then rendered by the drawing process.
libpf's multibuffering capabilities allows each process to have copies
appropriate to its target frame time.
The simulation, culling, and drawing for a graphics pipeline may
be combined into one, two or three processes to allow an
application to be tailored to different hardware and expected
CPU demand in each process, for example normally drawing is done
by a separate process in order to maintain maximum graphics
performance, but if an application is simulation bound, it may
wish to combine the cull and draw into a single process.
Statistics are maintained on the tasks of each of the IRIS
Performer processes of application, cull and draw. These
statistics can be displayed in a channel, printed, and queried.
Graphics Pipes and Channels
In addition to the functionality it derives from libpr, libpf
supports multiple channels per graphics pipe, grouping of
channels to form video walls, and frame synchronization between
multiple graphics pipes.
libpf maintains a graphics stress value for each channel and
uses it to attempt to maintain a fixed frame rate by
manipulating levels-of-detail (LODs).
Like many other graphics libraries, libpf assumes a coordinate
system with +Z up, +X to the right and +Y into the screen.
libpf supports a general database hierarchy which consists of
the following node types:
pfNode General node (base class)
pfScene Top level node.
pfGroup Node with multiple children.
pfSCS Static coordinate system.
pfDCS Dynamic coordinate system.
pfLayer Layer or decal node.
pfLOD Level of detail node.
pfSwitch Switch node.
pfSequence Sequential animation node.
pfGeode Fundamental geometry node.
pfBillboard Special tracking leaf node.
pfLightPoint One or more emissive light points.
pfLightSource Definition of a graphics hardware light.
pfPartition Special culling acceleration node.
All of the above are types of pfNodes and any function which
requires a pfNode* as an argument can accept any of the above
types. Similarly pfSCS, pfDCS, pfLOD, pfSequence and pfSwitch
all behave as groups and can be used in any function which takes
a pfGroup* as an argument.
Nodes can be assembled into a directed acyclic graph (DAG) which
represents a scene and modeling hierarchy. Geometry and
graphics state information is contained in pfGeoStates and
pfGeoSets in pfGeodes.
Intersection inquiries are made via groups of line segments
which can be tested against a subgraph of the scene. Masks and
callbacks can be specified to allow evaluation of line-of-sight
(LOS) visibility, colli- sions, terrain intersections, etc.
Visual Simulation Features
libpf provides earth-sky and weather functions for modeling fog,
haze and other atmospheric effects. Here is the structure of a
typical program:
- Initialize IRIS Performer with pfInit.
- Specify number of graphics pipelines with pfMultipipe and
choose the multiprocessing configuration by calling
- Begin multiprocessing and fork processes with pfConfig.
- Initialize the pipe frame rate with pfFrameRate and set the
frame-extend policy with pfPhase.
- Create and configure display channels with pfNewChan,
pfChanCullFunc, pfChanDrawFunc, pfChanFOV, and pfChanScene.
Main simulation loop:
- Compute dynamics, update pfDCSes, etc.
- Go to sleep till frame time: pfSync
- Latency critical updates such as viewpoint
- Draw frame: pfFrame

Compiled by: Allan Schaffer