IRIS Performer Friends, Demos, & Free Stuff
Silicon Graphics Computer Systems
"The Performer"
View images in the IRIS Performer Photo
Friends of Performer
The Friends of Performer directories contain more than 300
Megabytes of models, texture, and databases contributed by the
following third parties and others. It includes
- ARPA World Model
- OBJ files from the Avalon FTP Site
- Computer Arts & Development demos
- Coryphaeus software demos
- Crystal Visions of Reality city walkthrough
- I3DM Modeler source code
- Lightscape Radiosity models
- Multigen Models
- Oort Game
- Paradigm Simulation demos
- SGI Building Site
- Performer Town Database
- Viewpoint Models
- Wavefront Models
- Various Other Models
The files can be found in the performer_friends
subsystems of the Performer 1.2 distribution.

Compiled by: Allan Schaffer