mental ray(tm)

mental ray(tm) generates images of outstanding quality and achieves high performance through the exploitation of parallelism. The software incorporates significant developments such as a novel proprietary parallel rendering algorithm and a distributed database. The message-passing based software is capable of running on single processor workstations and on shared memory parallel platforms, as well as on distributed memory architectures such as networks of workstations and massively parallel supercomputers.

The free-form surface processing and approximation capabilties, and the mathematical accuracy of the software, are superior compared to any competing rending software products. Version 2.0 of mental ray constitutes the Rendering Component of both SOFTIMAGE's Creative Environment(R) and Dassault Systemes' CATIA(R).

Rolf Herken

President, Director R&D
mental images GmbH & Co. KG
Rankestrasse 9
D-10789 Berlin, &lbreak;Germany