Toolmaster(tm) 6.4 is a visualization product for X which includes: BaseXplore widgets, a library of interactive controls for use in any visualization application; ChartXplore widgets, for interactive display of unlimited numbers of X, Y datasets and axes; and Toolmaster UIM/X 2.5, an extended GUI builder providing full access to
Toolmaster tools from within the builder environment. Toolmaster agX and ContourXplore also include new functionality. This version also includes updated versions of: Toolmaster agX, a C function library which extends X-Windows with application-level data visualization; and ContourXplore widgets, for interacting with scatter and gridded data.
Paul Esdale
Director, Market Development Advanced Visual Systems, Inc. 300 Fifth Avenue Waltham, MA 02154 USA 617-890-4300 fax:617-890-8287