SEE-BED(tm) is a multidimensional, interactive data visualization, editing, and management software application, designed specifically for the worldwide hydrographic community and companies who can benefit from real-time data visualization. Significant attributes of SEE-BED(tm) include accelerated turnaround time for processing, elimination of costly return visits to the subject site, and dramatic reduction of backlogged data. SEE-BED(tm) offers new perspectives to viewing, editing, managing, and evaluating data from the ocean floor--quickly, efficiently, and cost-effectively.

Professionals in the fields of pipeline and cable surveys, dredging operations, mine detection and tracking, pollution monitoring, sand wave analysis, CTD measurement studies, and tidal modeling benefit significantly from the technological innovations found in SEE-BED(tm).

Rebekah Newcombe

Customer Support
Sirius Solutions Ltd.
1 Research Drive
Suite 215
Dartmouth, Nova Scotia B2Y 4M9