PX/IRIS Inventor(tm) is an object-oriented 3D toolkit. It is a library of objects and methods used to create interactive 3D applications. PX/IRIS Inventor contains a set of building blocks so that users can develop complex graphic applications with a minimum of programming effort. With PX/IRIS Inventor(tm) you can use, modify and extend geometric primitives and interactive manipulators within 3D space. 3D objects have shape, size, coloring, surface texture, and location. Users define objects with properties and apply actions to manipulate them. This methodology can be used in CAD, architectural design, scientific, and engineering applications.
Karen Tani
Technical Consulting Specialist Template Graphics Software, Inc. 9920 Pacific Heights Blvd. Suite 200 San Diego, CA 92121-4331 USA 619-457-5359 fax:619-452-2547 tani@tgs.com