TGS provides an optimized implementation of the IRIS GL library for the Sun platform which allows you to port IRIS GL applications to the Sun. PX/IRIS GL(tm) is the high performance SPARC implementation of Silicon Graphics' IRIS GL. PX/IRIS GL enables your complex IRIS GL applications to run on SPARC-based workstations with the performance of Sun's XGL. PX/IRIS GL also supports GL windows, dithering, font manager and popup menus. PX/IRIS GL is tightly coupled with X windows and runs with OpenLook or OSF/Motif. PX/IRIS GL is available in C or FORTRAN.
Karen Tani
Technical Consulting Specialist Template Graphics Software, Inc. 9920 Pacific Heights Blvd. Suite 200 San Diego, CA 92121-4331 USA 619-457-5359 fax:619-452-2547