IRIS Explorer(tm), developed by Silicon Graphics, Inc., is a powerful, sophisticated, yet easy-to-use visualization system with a user environment that allows scientists, engineers and application developers to build complex applications for visualizing sets of data. Already available on SGI machines, IRIS Explorer is now being made available on computers from Sun, HP, IBM, DEC and Cray Research. The ports are being performed by NAG Limited, who are best known for their internationally respected numerical subroutine libraries. NAG has also set up three IRIS Explorer Centers in Chicago, Tokyo and Oxford to handle user enquiries and to offer support.
Terry Burgess
Marketing Manager The Numerical Algorithms Group Ltd. Wilkinson House Jordan Hill Road Oxford, OX2 8DR UK 011-44-0-865-511245 fax:011-44-0-865-310139 HELPDESK@IEC.CO.UK