The Flight Simulator is a highly flexible and reconfigurable tool for flight procedure trainers, human factors research, and avionics design applications. By using the more than 150 available parameters and graphs, a flight environment can be configured for any fixed wing aircraft. When coupled with VAPS/Runtime, users can simulate an out-the-window scene with an animated head-up display. Through simple point-and-click menu operations, users define the engine, aerodynamics, aircraft control, and world parameters. With the addition of aircraft devices such as joystick, throttle and pedals, the Flight Simulator provides a realistic user-definable environment.
Christian LeMay
Sales Manager Virtual Prototypes Inc. 319 Bureaux de la Colline 92213 Saint-Cloud, CEDEX France 011-33-1-49-11-74-18 fax:011-33-1-49-11-74-44