CFD-VIEW(tm) is a truly Interactive 3D Graphics, Animation and Flow Visualization software for large structured/ unstructured/ hybrid grid data sets. Designed as a post processor for Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) codes and other analysis software, CFD-VIEW enables quick and easy interpretation of results. It has a unique capability to generate optical images such as interferograms, Schlieren and shadowgraphs which enable swift comparison between numerical and experimental data. Shaded iso-value surfaces, particle traces and ribbons, vectors, contours, surfaces, transparent surfaces, grids and display of 3D solids are powerful features of CFD-VIEW. Interactive sweeping through planes, animation, spray visualization, interactive point and line probes, and cutting planes enable the user to get a true feel for the physics of the problem.

R. Sukumar

Software Engineer
CFD Research Corporation
3325 Triana Blvd.
Huntsville, AL 35805