The IESX product line represents a revolutionary advance in available technology for users of the GeoQuest products. Initial IESX products provide state-of-the-art tools for 3Dseismic interpretation, including a volume database. IESX applications were designed from the start as native X Window System ans MOTIF applications. Intertask communication among IESX modules enable real time interpretation updating, cursor tracking, highlighting and data salection. The optional SurfaceSlice(tm) 3D volume interpretation tool provides a new method for tracking, displaying, and interpreting 3D seismic data volumes. Available Geoshare(tm) Half-links enable seamless data input and output to all GeoQuest applications and to third-party software.

Roberta M. Ireland

Manager, Marketing Communications
GeoQuest Systems, Inc.
5858 Westheimer
Suite 800
Houston, TX 77057