Picture Center(tm) provides unified object-oriented 2D/3D/color/grayscale image processing, voxel processing, volume rendering, volume animation, particle analysis, advanced texture analysis, image measurement, photo retouching, and an extendable user interface. Three versatile volume rendering algorithms are avalaible. Advanced 2D/3D image processing and particle analysis share a common interface. Picture Center can be invoked as either a stand-alone application, or as a networked server process across any NFS(tm) network via a callable library of functions. Supported data types include integer (8/16/32 bit) float (single/double), and 24-bit color in multiple color spaces such as HSV, YIQ, HSI, and RGB. Options include an expert system, and a hypertext database, and interfaces to selected cameras and scanners.
Scott A. Krig
Marketing Manager Krig Research PO Box 7327 Beaverton, OR 97007 USA 503-649-2621 fax:503-591-9049 scott@metheus.com