GPHIGS is an implementation of the ISO 9592 PHIGS (Programmer's Hierarchical Interactive Graphics System) standard. With its standard X-Windows(tm), PostScript(R), HPGL, and CGM drivers, GPHIGS makes portable graphic software development easy. Its hierarchical, 3-D structure database enables the development of high-performance graphics. D_GPHIGS (distributed network version of GPHIGS) allows computation on a supercalculator and display on 3-D graphics workstations. GPHIGS and D_GPHIGS libraries are available on Silicon Graphics(R) hardware with a 3-D driver using Silicon Graphics GL(tm). PEX implementation is also available.

Jean-Pascal Butte

Marketing & Sales Manager
G5G S.A.
18 Ave. Francois Sommer
Antony, CEDEX 92167
011-33-142 37 6666
fax:011-33-142 37 2715