MultiGen(R) is an inter active, graphical modeling system for creating, editing, and viewing 3D scenes for visual simulation. The modeler views all work in fully shaded, solid 3D at all times, much as it would appear in the real-time application. Dramatic new simulation modeling features have been added to the already mature MultiGen product including advanced Road Tools, LOD morphing, Automatic LOD generation, and 3D sound tools. Databases can also be created automatically from DMA terrain (DTED) and culture (DFAD) data.
MultiGen is the premier choice of professional modelers in flight, ground and marine simulation, accident reenactment, virtual reality, entertainment, and other real-time applications.
Tom Dowgiallo
Sales Representative MultiGen Inc. 1884 The Alameda San Jose, CA 95126 USA 408-247-4326 fax:408-247-4329 multigen!