
The EarthWatch(R) 3-D Weather System is a meteorologically accurate weather presentation tool containing GIS information and 3-D terrain data for the entire world. Create stunning 3-D flybys and weather animations. Integrate digital satellite base map imagery from Landsat or Spot Image Corporation. Simulate sunrises, sunsets, fog and air pollution, rain, lightning, shadow and sky color effects. A direct-readout satellite EarthStation(tm) option provides unlimited visible and infrared satellite imagery absolutely free of charge. EarthWatch(R) is used in television broadcasting, cable news and post-production for complete coverage of past, present and future weather events.

EarthWatch(R) runs on SGI Indigo2(tm) and Indy(tm) Workstations.

Daniel Griese

Vice President, Sales
EarthWatch Communications, Inc.
17113 Minnetonka Blvd.
Suite 120
Minnetonka, MN 55345