
RECOderm(R) is a computer based automatic finger-and palmprint recognition system, designed to support criminal investigation. The RECOderm system is scalable, as it lets itself to be tailored to the needs of local police forces as well as to the larger area or metropolitan police needs. RECOderm with its palmprint recognition capability stands alone in its kind. RECOderm is a complete system. RECOderm assists in an investigation by undertaking a task that can because of its potential length, waste the valuable hours or days at the very beginning of an investigation when a trail is still warm. RECOderm will scan a local coded database of perhaps 5000 to 25,000 persons records and produce a short ordered list of the most probable suspects based on its unique pattern matching algorithms.

Andras Molnar

Sales Manager
KFKI Recoware Ltd.
XIL Konkoly-Thege M. ut 29.-33
Budapest, H-1121