SoftNet NFS

SoftNet NFS bring NFS file service capabilities to PC-based Novell 3.x (and above) servers as a NetWare Loadable Module (NLM). Once loaded, this product enables the host Novell server to be mounted and accessed as a standard NFS file server in both Token Ring or Ethernet environments. In addition to high performance file services, SoftNet NFS also provides bi-directional UNIX/Novell printer sharing and is designed to handle heavy file transfer and printer sharing requirements. SoftNet NFS is an alternative to Novell's NetWare NFS providing similar capabilities at a significantly lower price point while at the same time being much easier to install and administer.

IMPORTANT: SoftNet NFS can be used by UNIX-based PC and Macintosh software emulation products (i.e. Insignia Solution's "SoftPC", AnDATAco's "Liken", Quorum Software's "Equal", etc.) to provide Novell server access.

James A. Leslie

Director of Marketing
Puzzle Systems Corporation
16360 Monterey Road
Suite 250
Morgan Hill, CA 95037