Do you find yourself using Macintosh or DOS software to prepare presentation materials? Ovation brings the ease of use and power of the best PC and Mac desktop presentation packages to Silicon Graphics.
Ovation is a complete presentation environment, with the best feature set on the market. Ovation comes with professionally designed presentation templates and Clip Art, and WYSYWIG PostScript font support to get your presentation started right. This package also includes tools for outlining, drawing, image capture, and extensive charting.
Ovation generates professional on-screen presentations on any SGI console or X-Windows display, and can create 35mm slides, color or monochrome view foils, and hardcopy speaker's notes and handouts.
David R. McMurdie
Director of Sales and Marketing Visual Engineering, Inc. 2025 Gateway Place Suite 318 San Jose, CA 95110 USA 408-452-0600 fax:408-452-0632