ACE/Server (for Silicon Graphics IRIX)

ACE/Server(R) software centrally authenticates a user's identity, allowing only authorized users access to protected Silicon Graphic network resources. User access to network resources via a gateway, remote dialup or direct connection is centrally managed and administered. The ACE/Server(R) establishes a protective perimeter around selected network-based nodes. The ACE/Server(R) works in conjunction with the SecurID(R) Card to provide highly secure access control for any number of authrized users and network resources.

ACE/Server(R) operations are fast, simple and effective. And the software cannot be compromised by electronic eavesdropping and observation or repeated password-scheme attacks. Whether you need to authorize user access through dialup modems, leased lines, workstations, terminals or PCs within a network environment, the ACE/Server(R) is the perfect access control security solution.

Eric Ogren

Product Line Manager
Security Dynamics
1 Alewife Center
Cambridge, MA 02140