OMNI-ISO(R) is a highly automated, standalone designing tool for creating and editing unscaled piping isometrics with true dimensions. It has many productivity-enhancing features, integrates with OMNI-PIPE and the Caesar II stress analysis program, making OMNI-PIPE a widely used piping isometric package available on Microstation 5.0.

On-line catalogs and specs of carbon steel piping components (sizes: 1/2" to 48"; ratings 150# 250#, API 3000# to 15000#, and Class 2000#, 3000#, and 6000#) enable users to create professional, accurate drawings.

Features include automatic, customizable BOM's; specification-driven mode; automatic cut length calculations; automatic boxed offsets; automatic pipe and elbow placement; automatic annotation and dimensioning; an assembly generator feature; and more. Metric, Imperial and DIN catalogs are available.

Albert Bacque

European Sales Manager
Applications Development, Inc.
Two Lakeway Center
3850 N. Causeway Blvd.
Suite 900
Metairie, LA 70002