JVC Personal RomMaker

JVC's Personal RomMaker for UNIX is a complete and easy-to-use software and hardware system designed for in-house CD-ROM production.

The Personal RomMaker is a system solution that incorporates comprehensive CD-ROM premastering software capabilities with the features of the JVC recordable CD-ROM drive. The complete desktop system provides a simple and affordable solution for UNIX users wanting to create CD-ROMs in the ISO 9660, ISO 9660/Rock Ridge, Hi-Sierra, or native UNIX File System (UFS) format. The Personal RomMaker includes extensive quality assurance capabilities for simulation and testing from the data source before creating the actual CD-ROM image. Virtual emulation capabilities enable rapid testing and optimization cycles of an application prior to CD-ROM production.

Laszlo Poor

Software Engineer
Gutenberg Systems, Inc.
100 Burtt Road
Andover, MA 01810