C21LV-65MAX is a 21" color NTSC to 65 KHz landscape monitor. Image Systems' revolutionary circuitry, HRMS(tm) (Hi-Res Multi-Sweep), allows automatic adjustment, providing compatibility with a variety of display controllers and hardware platforms. Resolutions range from 15.75 KHz interlaced to 1280x1024 non-interlaced.

Buyers require the C21LV-65MAX for applications such as nuclear medicine, seismic imaging, simulation, and for applications requiring automatic adjustment from TV speeds of 15.75 KHz to 65 KHz and frame rates of 55 Hz to 90 Hz. The C21LV-65MAX exceeds existing standards for size, resolution, brightness, flexibility, compatibility, upgradability, and serviceability.

Marta Volbrecht

Vice President, Sales
Image Systems Corporation
11595 K-Tel Drive
Hopkins, MN 55343