VIZART. Image Tools(tm) for Mirus(tm) FilmPrinters 1.0

The Mirus(tm) FilmPrinters family allows you to create 35mm slides from images created on your Silicon Graphics workstation. VIZART. for Mirus provides a graphical user interface to be able to send various image file formats to the printer using a parallel port. It is an extension to WEILAND's VIZART. Image Tools(tm) which lets you manipulate and convert images in various ways. It features high quality image resampling to output resolution, full 16.7 million color capability, unattended batchprinting, control panel display of camera frame count and status, support of most widely-used image formats and popular film types, and precise control over film brightness, contrast and color balance.

Hans Weiland

WEILAND Digital Media GmbH
Neubaugasse 36
Vienna, A-1070