
R.T.P.P.U. for Real Time Peripheral Processor Unit is a set of software and VME hardware products specially designed to generate critical real time behavior on SGI machines with a typical response time of 80 us. To do that all I/O and interrupts are directly handled by RTPPU is used transparently by the application through semaphore mechanisms. R.T.P.P.U. is used transparently by the application programmer with the use of tightly coupled 'remote driver', shared memory and asynchronous I/O. Additional capabilities media, high speed synchronization between VME crate, ...

R.T.P.P.U. focus more specifically on real time simulation and acquisition generally needing the CPU power of high end SGI machine AND critical real time behavior.

De Simon

Product Manager
Control Data France
Le Capitole
55, avenue des Champs-Pierreux
Nanterre, 92012