VMEbus Repeater 2000

The HVE Repeater 2000 is a transparent real-time hardware bridge between compatible VMEbus architectures. It allows upgrade or expansion of exciting systems, without costly redesign time. Features include:

* Ultra high speed: support 30 mbs intersystem transfer rate

* 32 bit , real time interface.

* Plug and play design.

* VME 64 compatible.

Simply plug in repeater 2000's primary board into main chasis, secondary board into expansion chassis, and power up the system.

Build multiple systems, network existing systems, or build huge parallel systems. No matter how much a computer system is expanded, the bi-directional Repeater 2000 will always be transparent.

Pat Neiler

Sales Administration Manager
HVE Engineering, Inc.
170 Knowles Drive #209
Los Gatos, CA 95030