8MM Data Tape Storage

Kingston Technology manufactures memory and storage products for PCs, laptops, laser printers and workstations (including SGI). The company also offers processors, video, and networking upgrades for PCs, laptops, andworkstations.

Through Silicon Graphics ExpressWare, Kingston offers five SCSI expansion storage products and one tape sub-system at this time. These SGI products are special versions and combinations of Kingston standard storage products. Contact Silicon Graphics directly of purchase of these items. Options and versions other thatn thse listed herein are avaliable from Kingston.

For all Single-ended SCSI Systems (4D/30, 4D/35, Indigo R3000 RPC, R4000, Indy 2, and Challlenge).

John Sutherland

Manager, Workstations Prdct. Grp.
Kingston Technology Corporation
17600 Newhope Street
Fountain Valley, CA 92708