CimStation Robotics(tm)

CimStation Robotics(tm) is used to create, simulate and optimize robot programs off-line. CimStation allows manufacturers to create programs more efficiently. Using CimStation, robot programs can be created and optimized without tying up actual equipment. For example, an engineer can check to see if a new car seat design can be inserted by a robot into a car before any real parts are produced. CimStation features include CAD/CAM interfaces, robot/device modeling capabilities and a Motif-based user interface. Accurate kinematic models of robots, collision detection and calibration routines ensure program accuracy. Application solutions for Painting, Polishing, Spotwelding, Arcwelding, Press Operations, Assembly and Telerobotics provide enhanced application functionality.

Amy Kieraldo

Product Marketing
SILMA Incorporated
1601 Saratoga-Sunnyvale Rd.
Cupertino, CA 95014