CimStation Inspection(tm)

CimStation Inspection(tm) is a native DMIS programming environment to create, simulate and edit programs for Coordinating Measuring Machines (CMMs). Using CimStation Inspection(tm) to off-line program CMMs assures program accuracy and frees equipment for production. CimStation Inspection(tm) is easy to use and allows programmers to generate new inspection programs very quickly. Programmers interact with CimStation Inspection(tm) via a Motif-based interface which allows them to easily identify part geometry and automatically generate DMIS. Features include support for indexible, multiple tip and custom probes and probe changers, and rotary tables. CAD parts are imported via direct CAD interfaces or IGES.

Amy Kieraldo

Product Marketing
SILMA Incorporated
1601 Saratoga-Sunnyvale Rd.
Cupertino, CA 95014