EUCLID Advanced Milling

EUCLID Advanced Milling provides advanced NC programming capabilities for today's sophisticated milling machines and multi-axis machining centers. EUCLID Advanced Milling provides users with tools to generate, edit, and verify NC toolpaths; integrate these toolpaths into a single NC program; and postprocess the output for specific machine tools.

The EUCLID Advanced Milling module supports full 3-, 4-, and 5-axis surface machining, with sophisticated tool orientation control, automatic collision and gouge avoidance, and support for a wide range of cutting tool shapes, including ball-end, cylindrical, and torical.

Vincent Dagot

MATRA Datavision, Inc.
31Ave de la Baltique - B.P. 71
Parc d'Activites de Courtaboeuf
91954 Les Ulis Cedex, &lbreak;France