STRIM100(R) Mechanical Manufacturing Packages

Cisigraph is a leading worldwide supplier of mechanical CAD/CAM/CAE systems offering state-of-the-art NC programming and verification capability to manufacturing engineers, mold makers, and tooling professionals. Working directly from STRIM 100's(R) high-precision database, the manufacturing packages can produce and simulate 2- through full 5-axis machining to the same degree of accuracy as the original part design. Powerful features such as automatic copy milling, interactive tool path editing, and 100% collision checking place the engineer in direct control of today's advanced machining process. Additionally, STRIM 100 can exchange data with other CAD/CAM systems via standard interfaces (IGES 3.0, SET, and VDA).

Daniel Pyzak

Product Marketing Manager
Cisigraph Corporation
536, Route De La Seds
Technoparc du Griffon
Vitrolles, 13127