I-DEAS for Test(tm) software products provide an integrated set of tools and features enabling testing to play a more stratigec and cost-effective role in the mechanical product development process. Their integration and data management capabilities, combined with significantly enhanced ease-of-use, facilitate more effective communication of test results. I-DEAS for Test(tm) products employ integrated data management capabilities, which help users manage the enormous amount of data collected in a typical test lab and permits them to easily set up test data bases to control, search and recieve data according to their needs. By making data more accessible, team members are able to take test results into consideration when they modify product designs and perform analysis, ultimately resulting in better products.
Care L. Heller-Pittman
SGI Business Manager Structural Dynamics Research Corporation 2000 Eastman Drive Milford, OH 45150-2789 USA 513-576-2832 fax:513-576-2135 care.pittman@sdrc.com