MF/GAS enables the plastics engineer to optimize the effects of the gas injection molding process on the shape, strength, appearance, and production costs of the final molded product. Because the GIM process is inherently more complex than conventional injection molding, predictive analysis software is the only cost effective method to optimize design and production.
Using MF/GAS, component geometry, material selection and plastic/gas, processing conditions are optimized at the design stage, when cost of change is negligible. Gas penetration alters polymer wall thickness and localized product strength. MF/GAS predicts and graphically dipslays polymer wall thickness and gas ÒblowthroughÓ.
Roland Thomas
General Manager - Products Moldflow Pty Ltd. 259-261 Colchester Road Kilsyth, Victoria 3137 Australia 011-61-3-720-2088 fax:011-61-3-729-0433