VisualGrid is a powerful, general-purpose software package for mesh generation. Scientists and engineers can use VisualGrid to create, inspect, and edit computational meshes for a wide range of finite-element/finite-difference calculations, including fluid dynamics, structural, thermal, and electromagnetic simulations. Both hexahedral and tetrahedral meshes are supported and can be generated automatically or interactively. VisualGrid's advanced user interface and software architecture make the generation of complex meshes both fast and easy. Computation and visualization of the mesh are performed simultaneously in VisualGrid, so that interactive, real-time steering of the calculation is possible. This technology offers users speeds of 10 to 100 times that of conventional methods.
Jeffrey Q. Cordova
President Visual Computing, Inc. 883 North Shoreline Blvd. Suite B210 Mountain View, CA 94043 USA 415-961-5682 fax:415-961-9286