
ABAQUS/Explicit(tm) is a transient dynamics program designed specifically to serve advanced nonlinear structural analysis needs. ABAQUS/Explicit(tm) has the standard interface familiar to ABAQUS users and is highly optimized for computational performance. The program is aimed at production analysis, so user aspects such as ease of use, reliability, flexibility, and efficiency have received great attention.

ABAQUS/Explicit(tm) includes element formulations for beams, shells, and continuum elements. Material models include metal plasticity, hyperelasticity, equations of state, and a user subroutine interface for user material definition. Very general contact conditions between deformable or between rigid and deformable bodies can be specified.

Paul E. Sorensen

Vice President
Hibbitt, Karlsson & Sorenson, Inc.
1080 Main Street
Pawtucket, RI 02860-4847