CSAR/OPTIM2(tm) has been developed to provide NASTRAN users with the capability of automated design via structural optimization using mathematical programming techniques. The procedure used in CSAR/OPTIM2 consists of minimizing an objective function, namely, the weight of the structure, subjected to a set of behavioral constraints (limits on stress, displacement, vibration frequency, or buckling eigenvalue) and side constraints (limits on member sizes) using mathematical programming techniques. Both the Sequence of Unconstrained Minimization Techniques (SUMT and NEWSUMT-type algorithms) and constrained Function Minimization Techniques (Methods of Feasible Direction and CONMIN-type algorithms) are available in the program.

Renee M. Donatelli

Contract Administrator
CSAR Corporation
28035 Dorothy Drive
Agoura Hills, CA 91301
818-707-6060 X241