NISA II is a general purpose finite element analysis program. The analysis capabilties include diverse and exhaustive features in linear and nonlinear static (material and geometric), normal modes (eigenvalue) calculation, linear and nonlinear transient dynamics, frequency response analysis, random vibration analysis, shock spectrum analysis, buckling load calculations, steady state and transient heat transfer analysis. The program has a large library of linear, parabolic and cubic isoparametric elements suitable for solving problems in a wide range of industries. The material properties can be isotropic, orthotropic, anisotropic, and hyperelastic (for visco elastic materials). The material properties can also be temperature dependent. Creep material models are also available. The boundary conditions (conduction, convection and radiation) in heat transfer can be both time and temperature dependent. View factor calculations are also performed for radiation problems.
Vipul R. Kinariwala
Chief Engineer Engineering Mechanics Research Corp. 1607 East Big Beaver Road Troy, MI 48083 USA 313-689-0077 fax:313-689-7479