DYMES is a general purpose program for kinematic and dynamic analyses of constrained, multibody mechanical systems that undergo large nonlinear, three-dimensional displacements. A library of mechanical joints such as spherical, revolute, and translation joints and force elements such as nonlinear springs, dampers, and actuators permits convenient modeling of various mechanical systems. Machine mechanisms, robotics, ground vehicles, spacecraft, and controlled systems are analyzed and simulated for time histories of their motion and joint reaction forces. The analysis capabilities include: Assembly analysis, redundancy analysis, static equilibrium analysis, quasi-static equilibrium analysis, dynamic analysis, kinematics analysis, inverse dynamic analysis. Advanced tire module in DYMES along with environmental modules makes automobile ride and handling simulation reliable and realistic.

Vipul R. Kinariwala

Chief Engineer
Engineering Mechanics Research Corp.
1607 East Big Beaver Road
Troy, MI 48083