NISA/P-ADAPT is a MCAE software tool for 2D and 3D structural analysis using adaptive p-version of the finite element method. The program currently supports planar, axisymmetric, 3D solid, 3D general shell, axisymmetric shell, and 3D curved beam elements.
NISA/P-ADAPT uses a special mapping method for exact geometric representation of curved surfaces. It also uses hierarchic shape function for computational efficiency of high p-order. It uses automatic adaptive p-refinement strategy with a posteriori error estimation for each cycle. Local p-order escalation is automatically controlled by local solution behavior. The program provides error indicators to facilitate the selective inclusion of higher modes, user defined convergence tolerance based on energy or error, for adaptive refinement. A powerful artificial mesh option for high quality post-processing is provided which can also be used to generate models for other analyses types.
Vipul R. Kinariwala
Chief Engineer Engineering Mechanics Research Corp. 1607 East Big Beaver Road Troy, MI 48083 USA 313-689-0077 fax:313-689-7479