ADAMS/FEA(tm) is a software product that simplifies and automates the two-way exchange of data between ADAMS(R) mechanical system simulation (MSS) software and finite element analysis (FEA) software. With ADAMS/FEA(tm), users can (1)incorporate complete geometric, flexibility, damping, and mass information from a linear FEA model into a nonlinear ADAMS(R) model to incorporate flexible components in a large-displacement dynamic simulation; and (2) pass internal, external, and inertial loading results from an ADAMS(R) analysis into an FEA model, to provide accurate component loads early in the design process. ANSYS, MSC/NASTRAN, and neutral file formats are supported.
Marilyn Lee
Marketing Coordinator Mechanical Dynamics, Inc. 2301 Commonwealth Blvd. Ann Arbor, MI 48105 USA 313-913-2516 fax:313-994-6418