ADAMS/Linear(tm) is an optional module of the ADAMS/Solver(tm). ADAMS/Linear(tm) starts with the nonlinear equations that ADAMS generates to describe a mechanical system and then linearizes the equations about a selected simulation state and computes eigenvalues, eigenvectors, and state space matrices. The resulting linearized set of equations for a mechanical system model can benfit engineers by: 1) provides a bridge between the large-displacement time domain and the small-displacement frequency domain; 2) aids in checking and validating ADAMS(R) models; 3) facilitates control system design; 4) assisting ADAMS(R) users in modeling systems with flexible bodies.
Marilyn Lee
Marketing Coordinator Mechanical Dynamics, Inc. 2301 Commonwealth Blvd. Ann Arbor, MI 48105 USA 313-913-2516 fax:313-994-6418