PAM-CRASH(tm) is a trade oriented industrial software dedicated to crashworthiness design in the transport industry,through the efficient numerical simulation of mechanical structural testing, i.e., the regulatory crash tests.
PAM-CRASH is based on the most advanced numerical techniques using the Explicit Finite Element Method. It allows to model the necessary details of complex industrial structures, under arbitrary static and dynamic loading conditions such as crash tests, or other extreme conditions. The element library includes olids, shells, beams, bars and joints (flexible, cardan or spherical). Specific models exist for rivets, spot welds and gaps. Free numbering and key input format allows to easily merge models and to create a model database (i.e. car components, dummies, etc.).
Minimal Hardware Prerequisite: INDY SC or PC (or older with Z-Buffer) +32MB memory
Pierre Culiere
Products Manager PAM-System International (ESI Group) 20 rue Saarinen Silic 303 Rungis-Cedex, 94588 France 011-33-1-49-78-28-00 fax:011-33-1-46-87-72-02