PAM-SAFE(tm) v12.1

The complete vehicle safety design cycle can now be accomplished with improved efficiency using Finite Element (FE) simulation, without the need to use, simplified but less realistic, numerical models. FE tehcniques have overwhelmingly proven their effectiveness for crash-worthiness design and can now effectively complement Rigid Body Dynamics for Occupant Safety Design. PAM-SAFE is based on state of the art FE technology and is fully compatible with the PAM-CRASH code, the recognized industry leader for crashworthiness design by numerical simulation in the transportation industry.

Frontal, side impact and child dummy models, both articulated rigid bodies and deformable FE, are now added to create an extensive dummy model library for frontal and side impact regulatory tests (HYBRID, SID, EUROSID).

Pierre Culiere

Products Manager
PAM-System International (ESI Group)
20 rue Saarinen
Silic 303
Rungis-Cedex, 94588