PAM-SHOCK(tm) v12.1

PAM-SHOCK(tm) is a Finite Element software for fast tansient dynamics (impact velocities ranging from 1,000 to 100,000m/s). Key options include an Arbitrary Lagrange Euler formulation necessary for fluid / structure interaction and eroding contact interfaces needed for oblique impact situations. PAM-SHOCK allows to solve complex impact problems, such as ballistic impacts, explosions or bird strike.

A special version of PAM-SHOCK, coupled with PAM-FLOW, is also available for solving problems where both fluid and structural dynamics problems are of equal importance. Typical applications of this version include airbags, parasol, etc.

Minimum Hardware Prerequisite: INDY SC or PC (or older with Z-Buffer) +32MB memory.

Pierre Culiere

Products Manager
PAM-System International (ESI Group)
20 rue Saarinen
Silic 303
Rungis-Cedex, 94588