P3/FATIGUE(tm) is an advanced fatigue life estimation software package for use with finite element analysis results. It provides state-of-the-art fatigue design tools that can be used to optimize the life of a product early in the design process. Total life, crack initiation, and crack propagation can be considered. Loading and material database management tools are included with P3/FATIGUE(tm). The P3/FATIGUE(tm) software system consists of two elements: GLOBAL multi-node/element analysis and detailed single node or element DESIGN OPTIMIZATION. GLOBAL analysis is tightly coupled to P3/PATRAN(tm), enabling users to interactively select ares of the structure of interest.

Brad Bright

SGI Account Manager
The MacNeal-Schwendler Corp. - PDA Division
2975 Redhill Avenue
Costa Mesa, CA 92626
714-540-8900 x180