P3/THERMAL(tm) is a general purpose thermal analysis program which solves steady-state and transient response for one, two and three-dimensional problems and axisymmetric problems. P3/THERMAL(tm) employs a hybrid finite element/finite difference approach which is accurate for complex geometry models that have highly skewed meshes and for models with directionally-dependent material properties such as composites. P3/THERMAL(tm) features a built-in radiation viewfactor code, coupled thermal hydraulic networks, a state-of-the-art nonlinear solver, a built-in convection correlation library and the capability to output a ready-to-run SINDA deck complete with radiation viewfactors. P3/THERMAL(tm) uses the new Analysis Preferences in P3/PATRAN(tm) with intuitive forms to set up the thermal model, submit the job, and post-process results.
Brad Bright
SGI Account Manager The MacNeal-Schwendler Corp. - PDA Division 2975 Redhill Avenue Costa Mesa, CA 92626 USA 714-540-8900 x180 fax:714-979-2990 bright@pda.com