PREDIG(tm) is a specialized software system for prelimminary design and performance prediction of single- and multistage centrifugal and mixed-flow compressors. It calculates design and off-design performance, and can be used to either optimize a new design or analyze an existing design. The geometry allows impellers, vaneless spaces, vaned diffusers, and collectors, scrolls, or return channels.
A menu-type user interface rquires input that includes ideal or real gas properties, mass flow, rotor speed, and component geometry. Graphic and tabular output are available for pressure ratio, efficiency, power required, and loss breakdown. Also predicted are surge and choke lines.
Melvin Platt
Manager, CAE Group Northern Research & Engineering Corporation 39 Olympia Avenue Woburn, MA 01801 USA 617-937-4646 fax:617-935-9052