NISA Family of Programs

NISA Family of Programs is a suite of general purpose finite element analysis programs for solving structural, composites, fatigue, heat transfer, fluid flow, electromagnetic, structural optimization, and mechanical systems problems. The analysis capabilities include diverse and exhaustive features in linear and nonlinear static, normal modes and eigenvalue calculations, transient dynamics, shock spectrum, frequency response, random vibration, steady and transient heat transfer analysis (convection, conduction and radiation boundary condition with temperature dependent material properties), 3D compressible and incompressible fluid flow, fatigue and fracture analysis (crack initiation life, propagation life, stress intensity factors, J-integral, energy release rate), structural optimization, etc. These programs are totally integrated with each other and use a single pre- and post-processing program, DISPLAY III.

Vipul R. Kinariwala

Chief Engineer
Engineering Mechanics Research Corp.
1607 East Big Beaver Road
Troy, MI 48083