SYSTUNE is a special application software package for the integration of test and analysis data. Model data obtained by finite element analysis is compared against the results of experimental model analysis. Graphical and numerical correlation methods are used to qulitatively and quantitatively evaluate the correspondence between the analytical and experimental databases. SYSTUNE also includes sensitivity analysis and model tuning capabilities. The user selects a number of response values from the experimental database as reference data and selects variables in the finite element model. Reference response values are usually measured model parameters (resonance frequencies, mode shapes,É). Variables are physical finite element model properties like material, geometrical, elastic constraints and mass properties. The program computes the rate of change, called sensitivities, of the reference responses when variables are modified.
Eddy Dascotte
Managing Director Dynamic Design Solutions (DDS) Interleuvenlaan 64 Leuven, 3001 Belgium 011-32-16-40-2300 fax:011-32-16-40-2400